Puma Double Canopy Golf Umbrella: Ultimate Protection for Golfers
Design and Construction:
The Puma Double Canopy Golf Umbrella offers durable and reliable protection. With an impressive 68-inch span and a double canopy design, you'll stay dry in all weather conditions. The sturdy fiberglass frame and robust lining ensure long-lasting performance, even on windy days.
Safety and Convenience:
The straight handle of this golf umbrella effortlessly fits into any umbrella holder. With the included cover, it's easy to store and carry the umbrella. Additionally, the plastic handle and tip provide peace of mind by offering protection against lightning strikes.
Stylish and Functional:
Featuring the iconic white Cobra logo on a black background, this Puma golf umbrella combines functionality with style. Whether on the golf course or during a rainy walk, this umbrella is your reliable companion, article number 054339-01.